EWL has a wealth of experience in Customs and Duty matters, gained by working at the forefront of global trade through an unprecedented time of globalisation and deregulation. Customs can often be a time consuming and complex procedure, particularly with foodstuffs. Up-to-date knowledge of regulations is vital to avoid overcharging and the timely release of cargo.In-house Customs clearance via electronic connections with all main ports. We can also handle and process all your Customs and Duty documentation.
We can also provide clear and accurate advice on topics such as:
Duty rates
The availability of specialist equipment such as tipper trailers and generator sets for refrigerated containers
Quotas and licenses
Classification of products
End Use Relief (EUR) and Inward Processing Relief (IPR)
Customs Freight Simplified Procedures (CFSP)
united kingdom
+44 (0)161 874 3830
+66 (0)2 367 3590
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Please reach out to a member of our team for more information and a competitive quotation